From the beginning of time, we’ve been drawn to some of the same things. The warmth of a fire, the intrigue of a story and the security of a group. Fire gave us comfort, stories gave us metaphors and being part of a tribe gave us security.
Today’s fire might be in the form of a song, a moment, or a movement. The stories are often communicated through the eyes of a character, a video or a social narrative. And, security is our quest for a more sustainable future.
That future asks us to enter deeply. Deeply enough to see beyond the walls we’ve constructed. Deeply enough to open up dialogues, and far enough, to explore the infinite possibilities we are all worthy of.
Possibilities multiply by building connections between people, passion and purpose. These connections speak to our underlying motivations. Motivations that drive us forward, expand our experiences and answer our biggest challenges.
Build a fire. Tell a story. And, inspire what happens next.